Wir ihr ja bereits wisst, hat Bohemia Interactive gestern den Patch 0.54 veröffentlicht. Hier das Changelog:
[Blockierte Grafik: http://www.dayztv.com/wp-conte…gelog-update-features.jpg]
- The New UI has been disabled due to a last minute problem.
- If you encounter FPS problems: Remove all launch parameters in Steam.
- Spawn: 10 Police Cars, 10 V3S Civilian & 5 V3S Cargo
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New Items:
- Improvised suppressor.
- Water Pouch.
- Bone Hook.
- Bone Arrow.
- Pile of bones.
- Carrier plate with attachable holster and pouches.
- Blood bag now gives and takes twice as much blood.
- FN Trombone.
- New animals.
- V3S Cargo version.
- You can craft improvised suppressor using water bottle and duct tape.
- You can craft bone hook out of pile of bones.
- You can craft bone arrow out of pile of bones and improvised arrow.
- Weight added to all items and clothes.
- Caliber of ammo affect suppressor degradation.
- Horticulture – Potato plant and its growing process.
- You can dismantle the FN Trombone.
- Continuous consumption and item use prototype.
- Items now shows only rough estimates about its weight and volume of containment.
- Cooking mechanics changes.
- Fireplace mechanics changes.
- Fluid mechanic tweaks.
- Blood mechanic tweaks.
- Weapon degradation.
- Suppressor degradation.
- New spawn tags added to all buildings.
- Degradation values set for pistols, rifles and silencers.
- Blood regeneration nerfed.
New animations + audio:
- Placeholder SFX for improvised suppressor (standard suppressor SFX).
- All old rocks models have been removed and replaced with new ones.
Reworked locations:
- Devil’s castle.
- Pik Kozlova.
- Black & Willow Lakes.
- Bor village.
- Quarry near Solnichny.
- Pouches for vest is now displayed properly in hands.
- Suppressor position on Longhorn while reloading.
- Message when loading ruined ammo.
- Spliting stone using pickaxe will give you smaller stone with correct damage state.
- You can no longer use mace for cutting raincoats into armbands.
- Mace can no longer be used for skinning.
- Force feeding guts text.
- Thermal mechanic fixes.
- Server stability fixes.
- Performance fixes (server).
- Bullet penetration fix.
Known issues:
- Animals spin in one place.
- Animals die randomly.
- Animal navigation.
- Animal animations are playing at a wrong resolution.
- You can drive v3s while knocked out.
- Only 1 person can get on back cargo of v3s.
- Random desync.
- Random client crashes.